Tuesday, January 20, 2009


What is Suberidome?

Suberidome means taking the entrance examination to a high school or university as a safety measure in case one fails at other high schools or universities. When the time comes that one has to choose a new school or university to continue one’s studies thing get very exiting. However, here in Japan there is a system that says one can only apply to a limited number of schools. This means, a student can take an entrance exam for a high-level high school or university which he or she will probably fail, but if luck is on the student’s side the is a slight possibility, “The Challenge”. Next, after deciding a “challenge exam” one has to find the most appropriate level high school or university according to the student’s current academically proven level, “Desired School”. Taking the general entrance exam for “The desired School” is most likely to be passed but there is of course the possibility that due to unforeseen circumstances this test is failed. Then what do they do? They need a fail-safe to prevent tumbling down to a very low level school, this preventive measure or test is called a Suberidome or fail-safe from sliding down. Taking an entrance examination at a high school or university which is just slightly under one’s academic level with an 80 to 90 percent passing chance is a Suberidome.

Here in Japan one can take only two entrance examinations for public high schools or universities and unlimited tests at private high schools or universities. The point is however, that public schools are very cheap because they are government supported and private high schools and universities have high matriculation fees and even taking one entrance exam can cost from 20,000 up to 80,000 (or even more) Japanese Yen. This can get quite expensive if the student keeps failing tests. So the “Fail-safe Suberidome” test is taken to make sure that the student can enroll at a reasonable school with an almost appropriate academic level.

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